(404) 523-6074
Specialized Programs
At High Impact Training/Anger Management Institute, we provide specialized courses for people facing a variety of problems, including a Technology Addiction Treatment Program, Family Violence Intervention Programs, Management and Leadership Training, Marijuana Treatment, and much more. Click below to get in touch with us, or use the menu at the top of the screen to learn more about our different programs.
You can also click below for more info regarding Positive Mind Management and Technology Addiction

Services We Provide
At High Impact Training/Anger Management Institute, we provide a variety of courses for those seeking counseling, as well as classes to help prepare people to better handle their situations. Our services include:
Alcohol and Drug Evaluations
Anger Management Classes
Clinical Evaluations for DUIs
ASAM level Treatment
Parenting Classes
MRT Classes
Family Violence Intervention Program
Management and Leadership Training
Seminars and Workshops
Positive Mind Management Coaching

Courses For CAC, CAMS, and More
At High Impact Training/Anger Management Institute, we provide CAC courses online, as well as in-person in Atlanta and Jonesboro. We also offer CAMS courses, Ethics courses, Certified Grief Specialist Training, Certified E-Counselor Training and more. Click the button below to learn more and sign up for your course.
To Learn More Contact Us Today!
Anger Management/High Impact Training & Counseling
High Impact Training/Anger Management Institute
High Impact Training/Anger Management Institute has two service branches: training (seminars and workshops) and counseling. The training aspect of the organization was created to provide quality continuing educational services for addiction counselors and other helping professionals. Our staff conducts ongoing research on addictive disorders to stay current on all aspects of the addiction field. The major goal of our training services is to bridge the gap between research and application.
High Impact Training/Anger Management Institute's training programs stringently follow the licensure and credentialing boards procedures to provide and maintain quality programs for you to receive your continuing education or contact hours.
The other branch of service is our counseling programs. High Impact Training/Anger Management Institute offers anger management, substance abuse, family violence intervention, individual and couple counseling, and positive attitude life management services.
About Our Team
The institute staff and its leader Dr. Gary Byrd are experts in the development of training and counseling programs for anger management, substance abuse, family violence intervention, individual and couple counseling, and positive attitude life management services. However, for some, the ability to control the anger response, needs some real help. Help that only a qualified team of Anger Management training professionals can provide through a certified Anger Management Course. The High Impact Anger Management Training courses offered by the Anger Management Institute can develop the necessary anger response transformation that significantly improves lives. Anger Management courses improve lives by helping people gain control. Anger is a response, that when uncontrolled, becomes a bad habit, which often results in very poor life choices. Anger Management Course training provides a series of self-awareness and improvement steps to assist in making the right choices; ensuring people can take control, make better choices, and get on with their intended purpose in life.
A well-designed Anger Management Course leads to effective response control and a better way to live. The High Impact Training/Anger Management Institute has an outstanding team of certified professionals that can deliver the results individuals need to stay in control and truly improve their lives.The Alcohol and Drug Abuse Certification Board of Georgia is a member of the International Certification & Reciprocity Consortium (IC & RC). More importantly, the team at the Anger Management Institute applies the principals that these certification boards demand, to helping people every day.The team is directed by Dr. Gary Byrd. Dr. Byrd is an experienced authority on anger management, substance abuse, family violence intervention, individual and couple counseling, and the full range of positive attitude life management services. Dr. Byrd is also an accomplished author and has written several books on the subject of anger management.
The book: Choice Based Anger Control, covers the principles and techniques that form the basis of the exceptional Anger Management Course, offered by the institute. The Anger Management course is key part of the overall portfolio of life fulfilling programs offered by the Anger Management Institute.
Our Goal
The goal of the Anger Management curriculum is to help course participants achieve a high degree of emotional intelligence and to be in full control of their lives. Sudden and uncontrolled anger can lead to bad choices that can derail one’s future. The board-certified staff at the Anger Management Institute has
the experience and qualifications to deliver truly effective Anger Management Course; a program that delivers results and puts people back on a positive life track. In addition to the institute’s highly successful Anger Management Course, the institute offers training for counselors that help people with substance abuse and/or family violence issues. The Anger Management Institute is uniquely qualified to not only train individuals seeking a better life path, but life counselors as well. Help with impulse controls in all forms creates a path for a healthy and overall improved life experience.
This extensive research has been the basis of several books written by Dr. Byrd, and it is this research that is applied to the continuous improvement of the Anger Management Course. The institutes certified team of instructors is very experienced in the principles and methods required to delver an effective control process. In all training forms: seminars, workshops and counseling sessions the instructors apply a well-researched methodology. The Anger Management Course is a counseling session that follows process cycle that starts with assessment to determine the specific nature of the anger
issue that needs to be solved. The process continues to identify the anger habit, root cause issues of anger issues, triggers and hot-spots. The exploration of anger and self-talk, communication styles, are additional program components that lead to specific control techniques, dealing with stress as an example.
The Anger Management Course culminates with an individualized path to emotional intelligence and defined anger management plan. The Anger Management Institute methodology delivers the results individuals need to keep their anger urges in control and truly improve their future.
The teen course follows a similar process to the adult program, with added emphasis on expressing feelings, self-control and a focus on breathing exercises to help the teen apply more clear thought and more carefully respond to their anger triggers. Another example of specialized application of the Anger
Management Course is the institute’s course on road-rage. Recent studies indicate this is a dangerous trend that the institutes certified team of instructors is well equipped to deliver the counseling required to avoid control loss and bad choices on the highway.
Programs That Deliver Results
The specialized programs we provide demonstrate the deep capability of our institute, and the innovative approach that is applied to every day control issues. The institute, led by Dr. Byrd, has a variety of well-developed courses that provide a series of self-awareness and improvement steps to assist in making the right choices; ensuring people can take control, make better choices, and get on with their intended purpose in life.

Our Books, Manuals and Workbooks
Choice-Based Anger Control: Life is About the Choices We Make and the Action We Take
Choice Based Anger Control is based on the idea that anger is a choice. You just don't become angry out of the blue you choose to become angry. You can choose to be explosive or calm, and only you can make that choice. Choice Based Anger Control is designed to empower you to take control of your anger reactions by developing strategies and techniques to calm the anger within. Choice Based Anger Control's simple philosophy is: "Our lives are the sum total of our choices and actions." The power of choice is humankind's greatest gift.

More Books and Workbooks​
Click below to view more books, workbooks and manuals, including Men's/Women's Family Violence workbooks, Marijuana Participant's Workbook, and the Positive Recovery workbook.