(404) 523-6074
Positive Mind Management Coaching Certification Program
The Positive Mind Management Life Coaching Certification Program is scientifically rooted approach to helping client increase well-being, enhancing their strengths, improve performance, and achieve valued goals. In other words, a PMMC helps people to live their best lives by using positive psychology principles. By becoming a Positive Mind Management Coach, you will assist the worried-well in learning new mental skills and tools to be emotionally self-reliant and to have self-control over their emotions. Positive Mind Management Life Coaching assist clients to develop a growth-mindset to achieve their goals and remove negative mental obstacles that limit their success.
Our minds are powerful and were designed for success if we can manage what we allow to come in and what we allow to go out. Here are 4 reasons we should start managing our minds immediately. The four major areas that the PMMC program addresses can be summed up using the M.I.N.D. acronym:
M = Manage thoughts
I = Initiate Action
N = No negativity
D = Determine to add value to yourself and others
PMMC Certification Overview:
Differences between Coaching and Counseling
Positive Psychology Overview and how to use it in coaching
Using the M.I.N.D. technique
Character Strengths Assessment
Understanding your two brains—conscious and subconscious minds
Complete the wheel of life exercise
Cultivate your best qualities
Have a definite Aim-Goals and Plans
Carve out your future
Understanding interdependence
Business first, Pleasure afterwards
The Business of Coaching
Marketing your program
Your Investment: $300 for the three life changing days for yourself and your clients