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Anger Management Counseling

Choice-Based Anger Control

Choice-Based Anger Control is based on the simple assumption that anger is a choice—and we choose our response to any person or situation. We subscribe to the idea that Choices Made Repetitiously Become Habits. This means that you have made the same choices over and over until your behavior is automatic or habitual.

Choice-based Anger Control is designed to empower you to take control of your life by developing strategies and techniques to calm the anger within. Choice-based Anger Control is based on a simple philosophy: “Our lives are the sum total of our choices and actions.” As human beings, our total existence is determined by the daily choices we make—in essence we choose our way through life. We are responsible for choosing the direction, meaning, and purpose for our lives. Choice-based Anger Control’s premise is that a transformed mind leads to a transformed life. In essence, anger control is about transforming our lives by our choices and actions and developing the skills for making quality choices that lead to positive personal growth and development.


We have anger management programs for teens, adults and the workplace.

Program Components

Component 1: Assessment

  • Anger Management Assessment: Objective computer assessment designed to determine if anger is State (situational) or Trait (temperament).A subjective assessment is completed also.

  •  Definition of anger

  • Taking a time-out

  • Anger Questionnaires

Component 2: Understanding the Anger Habit

  • The anger habit is automatic

  • The anger habit feels normal

  • The anger habit is compulsive

  • Tracking anger is the brain and body

  • Steps two for changing old habits and mental programming

Component 3: My Anger Hot-spots

  • 5 Interrelated phases of an anger episode

  • Triggers and Hot-Buttons

  • Time-out vs. walking out

Component 4: Anger and Self-Talk

  • Understanding Self-Talk and the various forms of Self-Talk

  • The power of self-talk to be constructive and destructive—it’s your choice

  • How beliefs drive action

  • Principles of Mental for gaining control of your self-talk

  • Stopping distorted thinking

Component 5: Communication Styles

  • Passive

  • Passive-Aggressive

  • Aggressive

  • Assertive

  • What is your anger costing you?

Component 6: Assessing Your Anger Style

  • Suppress

  • Repress

  • Express (positive or negative)

  • Confess

  • Writing a good-bye letter to Anger

  • Identifying primary and secondary feelings

  • Feelings under anger

Component 7: Where did I get my anger?

  • Family of origin questionnaire

  • How our anger affects other people

  • How does your anger affect you

  • Becoming aware of your beliefs about anger

  • Anger defense mechanisms

Component 8: Anger is a Choice

  • What choices do I have in dealing with anger?

  • My circle of control

  • Anger control begins with awareness

  • Stopping old angry patterns

Component 9: Stress Management and Anger

  • Definitions of stress

  • How stress can trigger anger

  • Identifying stress symptoms

  • Stress reduction and management strategies

Component 10: Learning to Take Care of Your Anger

  • Caring for your baby anger

  • Your anger is your friend?

  • Breathing exercises

Component 11: Invalidation and Validation

  • Definition of invalidation and validation

  • Identifying invalidating responses

  • The power of validation in stopping anger in interpersonal encounters

Component 12: Developing Emotional Intelligence

  • What is emotional intelligence?

  • Differences between emotional intelligence and emotional stupidity

  • Habits of Highly Emotionally intelligent people

  • Using emotional intelligence as an anger management tool

  • Anger management prevention plan

The Choice-Based Anger Control program for adults may not be suitable for individuals experiencing serious mental health problems.

Initial anger management assessment: $70.00 
Group counseling fee: $30.00 
Individual sessions: $70.00

Anger Management For Teens

The teen years are characterized by one-word changes; teens physical bodies are changing due to the hormonal factors that are preparing them to become full-fledged adults. No only are teens experiencing many physical changes, they experience many psychological changes as well. Another change that teens will experience intensely are changes in their emotions, which may at times seem like they are on an emotional roller-coaster. Anger is one emotion that many teens have difficulty managing. The Anger Management for Teens is an 8-week program designed to educate and empower youth from ages 13-17 to deal with their anger, to use anger management and problem-solving skills, and to discover the coping skills they need to manage their anger appropriately.


A major focus of the Anger Management for teens program is that anger is a normal human emotion and it not their anger that is the problem it is their response to their anger.

Program Components

Component 1: Assessment

  • Anger Management Assessment/Family Assessment

  • Definition of anger

  • 6 Steps to Change

  • What good about my anger and what is not so good

  • Learning to Breathe to calm down

Component 2: What causes my anger

  • Where did I get my angry attitude?

  • Making the anger choice

  • Anger can become a habit

  • Physical, mental, and emotional anger cues

  • Breathing and relaxation exercise

Component 3: Anger Triggers and Consequences

  • 5 Interrelated Phases of an Anger Episode

  • Learning to take a Time-Out

  • What is anger costing you?

  • What are your anger display rules?

  • Breathing and relaxation exercise

Component 4: Identifying, Clarifying and Expressing Feelings

  • Understanding the difference between primary and secondary feelings

  • Anger is a cover-up emotions for other feelings

  • Identifying, clarifying and expressing 5 primary feelings

  • Breathing and relaxation exercise

Component 5: Emotional Intelligence

  • Difference between emotional intelligence and emotional ignorance

  • Habits of highly emotionally intelligent people

  • Breathing and relaxation exercise

Component 6: Identifying you Anger Style

  • What is your anger style?

  • Angry self-talk

  • Rehearsing self-talk control strategies

  • Breathing and relaxation exercise

Component 7: Choosing Your Response

  • I am responsible exercise

  • ABC of Anger

  • What are you anger payoffs

  • Breathing and relaxation exercise

Component 8: The Power of Self-Control

  • Why is self-control important?

  • Developing self-control strategies during intense emotional times

  • Taking Care of my anger

  • Breathing and relaxation exercise

  • Anger evaluation

Component 9: Positive Attitude vs. Negative Hostile Attitude

  • Hostility, negative attitude and anger = Aggression

  • How negative & positive attitudes develop?

  • Principles of mind management

  • Breathing and relaxation exercise

Component 10: Anger Relapse Prevention

  • What is anger relapse prevention?

  • Developing an anger relapse prevention plan

  • Breathing and relaxation exercise

  • Course evaluation and certificates

Fees are based on ability to sliding scale.
The Choice-Based Anger Management for Teens program may not be suitable for individuals experiencing serious mental health problems.

Preventing Road Rage Seminar

Definition of Road Rage

Road rage is a persistent state of hostility behind the wheel, demonstrated by acts of aggression on a continuum of violence and justified by righteous indignation.

What Causes Road Rage?

It is amazing that a person who is normally calm and easy going can turn into a angry monster while driving. There is something about being in traffic and not having control that tends to make some people “red hot.” Many people think Road Rage starts with the incidents on the road—not so! The seeds of Road Rage may have been planted hours, days, or weeks ago. If we are angry toward some prior to driving, that anger can be generalized to fellow-drivers on our roadways. Example—you may have an argument with your spouse or partner and leave the house steaming. When you start your commute you are in a highly aroused state. So when you encounter an annoyance while driving, this can triggers a release of the pent-up frustration, which is now directed toward the offending driver.

Also, we are very territorial; our cars are an extension of our personal space. When a driver invades our personal car territory, we often respond to these invasions of our perceived territory in an angry manner. This angry response is a major cause of road rage.

What Triggers Road Rage?

Road Rage can be triggered by such things as: slow moving traffic, older person driving slowly in front of you, a horn blowing at you, being cut off in traffic, traffic light turning yellow as you approach an you are in a hurry, or having to drive in a congested area. These things can trigger an automatic response in certain people and they cause us to react without much conscious thought. When you are driving while angry, you don’t think of the big picture—which is safety.

Getting Help

If you feel that you or some one you care about is experiencing Road Rage or if you want your teen driver to learn how to drive while calm (DWC), this program can be of immense help. You learn how to recognize, understand, and learn how to prevent and manage Road Rage. We understand and can help.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Examine the national impact of Road Rage

  • Why driving arouses anger?

  • List some of the major causes of Road Rage and highway hostility

  • Assess you driving style

  • Identify characteristics of an aggressive driver

  • Weapons used by Road Ragers

  • Driver behaviors that may trigger Road Rage

  • Deal with emotionally challenged drivers

  • Techniques for preventing and managing Road Rage

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